Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How to create beautiful photos with objects around the house

In the difficult times of lockdown how do we carry on with our love of photography whilst confined to our homes?

One way is to get out into the garden (if you have one) and shoot some beautiful images of flowers. But how do you create beautiful photos without the benefits of studio lighting? Well use natural light, nature has provided us with a wonderfully free light source. Lets use it!

Follow along with the short video below and you’ll see how I used some everyday objects from around the house to create beautiful photos of an Agapantha flower in my garden. In the video I show you a few different ideas for controlling the light. Afterall photography is all about understanding and controlling the light to create beautiful photos with excellent composition.

And further on in the video I show you how to use shutter speed to create an alternative variation on the same flower.

Who knows you might even create beautiful photos for your walls.

And if you don’t have a garden you could always buy a bunch of flowers and use them.

Agapanthas-Flower-Photo-Course_120-%C2%A9-Nick-Gregan-300x215.jpgProbably the most well known flower photographer was Robert Mapplethorpe who created some beautiful art images. His photographs of flowers adorn the walls of many a home and he’s been inspiration for many photographers.

More videos coming soon on how to create beautiful photos with everyday objects.


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