Thursday, November 30, 2023

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Yize Mould Co., Ltd. was founded on January 1, 2007. It has 160 employees, 180 processing equipment and more than 50 testing equipment. It is located in Chang'an Town, Dongguan, China, which is known as the "China Mould Town". WhatsApp: 8618638951317.

Since the establishment of the company, Yize has always been focusing on technology orientation, precision tungsten carbide parts processing, Drawing mold accessories, stamping mold accessories manufacturing. Trusted by customers at home and abroad, it has become an important partner of large international purchasing groups in the fields of automobiles, electronic appliances, aerospace, medical technology, tooling, machinery and equipment manufacturing.

David Vs All The Goliaths

David vs all the Goliaths


I’m speaking of King David, of course. But I (regular David) have had my share of Goliaths to deal with.

On a recent trip to Israel, I stood on the very site King David himself stood and had his biblical battle with the giant.

It was a dream of mine to visit this site. I envisioned what it might look like and I was blown away seeing that it looked exactly as I’d always pictured.

I was so moved by the experience and the energy of the history that surrounded It was my last stop on my trip and I took the moment to take it all in.

The story of David and Goliath is one we’re all familiar with and is used as a metaphor across so many platforms in our lives. In sports, education, politics, and in business.

Against all odds, with little means of protection, armed with very little…the little guy defeats the big guy.

But as I stood there among the stone and ruins (some of which were only uncovered by archeologists 30 years ago) I was reminded of some lesser-known pieces of the biblical tale.

Did you know the King refused to wear the armor offered to him and, despite all Insistence declined to carry a sword to this battle? He felt he’d be encumbered by the weight of them, and went only with his slingshot to fight this powerful adversary.




In our modern-day businesses, we often feel the pressure to do things the way others do.  To run our business the ‘right’ way as opposed to what might be the ‘best’ way for our own business.

Sometimes, we do feel encumbered by the myriad suggestions or the insistences of outside forces and we lose sight of what makes the most sense for ourselves.

I do my best to fight against those forces and rather find the strengths and advantages I gain from being my truest self. And I believe that separates me from the proverbial pack.

I hope you too can find the kind of power you gain from your individuality and a strong sense of self.

Defeating giants is no simple task. King David got off a perfect shot with that little, smooth stone.  That took focus, practice, confidence, and a little bit of luck. 

There is no shortage of giants in the business world that we are all competing with.

Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Tesla…The list goes on and on.

It’s easy to see how a small company might feel helpless, trying to compete with such Goliaths.  

So what do you do?  Give in? Give up?

Or do you take a lesson from King David?

Ignore the voices telling you that you can’t achieve your dreams.  That includes the voice inside you that causes doubt or rationalizes you out of putting in the work that you know you’re capable of doing.

If you think about it, Goliath doesn’t always mean the giant (companies) that you feel might be standing in your way.  

Goliath, to me, is the giant I place in my own way.  

I know that I can face my giant, unencumbered by negative thinking. Armed only with what I have at my disposal at any given moment.

And I believe I, like King David, will walk away successful and victorious. And I know that you can do the same.

To your success, 



ActiveCampaign Certified

5 Tips and Tricks to Replace Your Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings were a common design choice during the 1970s and early '80s. However, they have since lost their appeal due to their outdated appearance as well as potential health risks associated with them. Many homeowners are now opting for modern alternatives instead of keeping these textured ceilings in place. If you're thinking about replacing your popcorn ceiling read on below for some helpful tips:

Popcorn Ceilings - What You Need To Know

Before delving into the specifics of removing popcorn ceilings let us first provide some context. Popcorn ceiling got its name from their bumpy texture that resembles popped corn kernels. These textured surfaces were initially designed to enhance sound insulation and conceal any imperfections on ceilings. The application process involved spraying paint mixed with small particles through a nozzle onto the surface using specialized equipment. With this background information in mind we can now proceed with discussing how one goes about eliminating these types of ceilings.

Popcorn Ceilings - The Risks of Asbestos

Unfortunately, many popcorn ceilings are made with asbestos - a mineral fiber that can cause serious health issues when inhaled. Prior to the 1980s this substance was commonly used in building materials such as floor tiles and pipe insulation among others. As a result of its widespread use during this time period it is possible for homes built before then to have popcorn ceiling containing asbestos. To ensure safety we recommend assuming all popcorn ceilings contain asbestos until proven otherwise through testing or other means. Don't take any chances! Protect yourself from potential harm by taking necessary precautions today.

Testing for Asbestos in Your Home

Don't let fear overtake you if you suspect your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos! There are several ways to test for this dangerous substance safely. One option is hiring an accredited testing laboratory that can collect samples of the material and analyze them for any presence of asbestos fibers. Another alternative involves using a DIY kit available at hardware stores which allows individuals like yourself take their own sample while following all necessary safety precautions during handling suspected materials containing asbestos. Remember: taking these steps will help ensure both yours and others health protection from potential exposure risks associated with asbestos-containing products in homes or workplaces alike.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal - DIY or Hire a Pro?

Once you have determined whether or not your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos, it's time to make a decision about how best to proceed with its removal. Removing this type of ceiling requires specialized equipment and techniques that are designed specifically for preventing contamination while protecting the health of those living in the home. If your ceiling does not contain any traces of asbestos then tackling this project yourself may be an option worth considering - here are some tips on successful DIY popcorn ceiling removal:

When tackling any demolition project it is essential to prioritize your safety by wearing appropriate personal protection gear such as gloves, eyewear and masks. Additionally utilizing a high powered vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter technology will help capture airborne particles during the process. To ensure optimal results when applying joint compound its best practice to score the surface of ceilings using either drywall knives or screwdrivers beforehand creating rough textures for better adhesion. Finally multiple thin coats are more effective than one thick layer in achieving even coverage and smooth finishes on walls and ceilings alike. Remember that taking these steps early on can save time later down the line while also keeping you safe throughout every stage of construction!

If your ceiling contains asbestos its crucial to hire a professional abatement contractor for safe removal. These experts have undergone extensive training and possess the necessary equipment needed to handle this hazardous material without risking contamination or exposure. Don't take any chances - leave it up to professionals!

Popcorn Ceiling Removal - A Guide

To ensure successful popcorn ceiling removal, here are some additional tips and tricks worth considering:

If you're planning on DIYing it or hiring a pro there are several things to keep in mind. including these helpful hints for optimal results.

Before embarking on ceiling demolition work in your home or office space its essential to take several precautionary measures. These include sealing off adjacent rooms and furnishings with plastic sheeting as well as removing any light fixtures or fans attached to the ceiling prior to starting work. Additionally cutting away damaged areas of popcorn texture before scraping it off using a putty knife is another important step that should not be overlooked during this process. Finally taking regular breaks throughout the day will help ensure safety while minimizing messes made along the way. By following these steps carefully you can successfully tackle even complex ceiling demolition projects without compromising quality or efficiency.

Popcorn Ceiling Alternatives

Now that you've completed the task of removing your popcorn ceiling its time to explore other possibilities for finishing it. Some popular options include:

Are you tired of looking up at a boring ceiling every day? Consider trying out one or more of these creative ways to transform it into something truly unique!

Firstly theres the classic smooth finish approach - simply apply joint compound over your existing ceiling followed by primer and paint for an effortless yet elegant look. second option is texturing which adds depth through various techniques such as knockdowns, orange peel patterns or swirls using specialized tools; this creates visual interest while also hiding any imperfections on the surface beneath. Thirdly there's beadboard ceilings that give off rustic charm with narrow strips of wood molding installed horizontally across its length. Last but not least stenciled ceilings allow for endless possibilities in terms of pattern and color combinations thanks to their versatility. With so many options available why settle for plain when you can have extraordinary instead?

Removing a popcorn ceiling can be challenging, particularly if it contains asbestos. However with proper planning and execution you can achieve beautiful results while safeguarding your family from harm.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

5 Tips and Tricks to Replace Your Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings were once a popular choice for homeowners during the 1970s and early '80s. However, with time these textured surfaces have become less desirable due to their outdated appearance as well as potential health risks associated with them. If you're considering removing yours here are some helpful tips:

Popcorn Ceilings - What You Need To Know

Before delving into how to replace your popcorn ceiling lets first discuss what it entails. Popcorn ceilings are created by spraying a mixture of plaster and paint onto the surface resulting in an uneven texture that was once admired for its ability to conceal imperfections while reducing noise levels. However many homes built during this time period used asbestos containing materials including popcorn ceilings which makes their removal hazardous if not done correctly.

Popcorn Ceilings - The Hidden Danger of Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral that was once widely used in building materials before being linked to serious health issues such as lung cancer and respiratory illnesses. While most modern homes no longer contain this substance within their popcorn ceilings it remains crucial for homeowners considering renovation work to test for its presence through professional inspection or DIY kits available at hardware stores online retailers alike. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed without expert intervention so hiring an inspector would prove beneficial.

Asbestos Testing In Your Home - What You Need To Know

If you suspect that your home contains asbestos don't fret! Here are the steps to take when testing for it in your popcorn ceiling:

To ensure accurate results when taking samples, it is essential to prepare the area thoroughly. This involves removing any dust or debris from the room and wearing appropriate protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and masks that will shield you against hazardous particles in the air. By following these steps beforehand, you can guarantee a safe environment for testing purposes.

When dealing with popcorn ceilings its essential to take samples for analysis. Use a putty knife or scraper to remove small pieces and place them in sealed containers or baggies. This will help you determine the best course of action moving forward. Remember: safety first!

To gain a better understanding of your soil's composition and nutrient levels consider sending it for analysis by an accredited laboratory. This service is available through many companies at varying costs. Don't hesitate to invest in this valuable resource if you want more information about what lies beneath the surface!

How To Remove Popcorn Ceiling - Tips and Tricks

If you've established that your popcorn ceiling does not contain asbestos its time to start considering removal. To make the process smoother here are some helpful tips and tricks:

Safeguard your surroundings: Take precautions by covering floors, furniture and fixtures with drop cloths or tarps to avoid any harm caused by falling debris. This measure will help ensure that everything remains intact during the renovation process.

Preparing for a popcorn ceiling removal requires careful planning and execution. One key step is scoring the surface using either a drywall saw or utility knife in a crisscross pattern. This technique helps loosen up any stubborn areas making it easier to remove later on during cleanup. By taking this extra precautionary measure beforehand you'll save yourself time and effort down the line!

To remove popcorn ceilings efficiently and effectively, it is essential to spray them with water. By doing so you will loosen the adhesive holding this material in place making it easier for removal later on. A garden sprayer or pressure washer can be used for maximum effectiveness when carrying out this task.

Removing popcorn ceilings requires patience and attention to detail. Use a putty knife or scraper to carefully remove the material in sections without causing damage. This step can be messy so take your time and work methodically for optimal results.

Popcorn Ceiling Alternatives

After learning how to remove your popcorn ceiling safely (hopefully without encountering any asbestos) its time for some creative thinking. Consider these three options:

For a timeless appearance consider painting the ceiling with a smooth finish. This option requires minimal preparation and can be completed swiftly. It's an easy way to achieve classic style in any room of your home or office space.

For those who want to add texture to their ceiling without resorting to traditional popcorn consider using a texture roller instead. With numerous patterns available choose one that complements your decor. This simple yet effective method will give any room an instant upgrade in style and sophistication. Don't be afraid to experiment with different textures until you find the perfect fit for your space!

Wallpaper can add a unique touch to any room and the ceiling is no exception. Consider using bold prints or subtle designs depending on your personal style preference. Be sure to choose high quality wallpaper specifically designed for use on ceilings when decorating this space in your home.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Choosing the Best Option for Replacing Your Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings were a common choice in homes during the 1950s through to the 80s due to their ability to conceal any blemishes on walls or ceiling surfaces while adding texture. However, with asbestos being discovered within many of these materials nowadays homeowners have been forced into making decisions about whether they should remove them completely or replace them altogether. In this article we'll explore various replacement options available for popcorn ceilings and how you can choose what works best for your house.

Popcorn Ceilings - A Brief History and Why They Were Popular

Popcorn ceilings, also known as acoustic ceilings were initially developed to help reduce noise levels in rooms. The bumpy texture was achieved by spraying a mixture of plaster and other materials onto the surface. However over time it became evident that these ceiling contained asbestos which can cause serious health issues if inhaled when disturbed or damaged during renovation activities. As such many people are now opting for removal or replacement procedures rather than leaving them untouched.

Popcorn Ceilings - The Hidden Danger of Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral fiber that was widely used in building materials until the late 20th century. Its insulating properties made it popular among builders and contractors alike; however its use has been linked to various health issues when inhaled upon disturbance or breakage of fibres leading them into air circulation systems where they can be easily ingested by humans causing serious respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, mesothelioma etc.. If you suspect your popcorn ceiling contains this hazardous material then having an expert test for presence before attempting any removal/replacement work would be highly recommended. This way one could avoid exposure from potential harmful effects caused due to negligence during renovations or DIY projects at home.

Removing Popcorn Ceilings Safely

Removing a popcorn ceiling requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety. Here are some essential steps you should take:

Before embarking on any renovation or repair work involving your ceiling it is crucial to have an expert inspector test for asbestos. This will help determine whether there are traces of this hazardous material present and what level of danger they pose. By taking these precautions early on you can avoid potential health risks later down the line. Don't take chances with your well being - get tested today!

Removing ceilings containing asbestos requires careful planning. Develop a strategy that includes sealing off the area and wearing appropriate protective gear. You may also want to consider hiring an expert in asbestos abatement for assistance with this process.

Create a Barrier: Sealing off the work area with plastic sheeting is essential in preventing dust and debris from spreading throughout your home. This measure will help maintain cleanliness during renovations or repairs while keeping other areas of your house untouched by any potential hazards.

4. Wetting the ceiling: To minimize dust and fiber release while scraping or sanding your ceilings, it is essential to wet them thoroughly beforehand. This step ensures that you have a clean workspace as well as better air quality in the room during renovation activities.

To remove popcorn texture from your ceiling you'll need to either scrape or sand it off. This process requires careful attention as well as appropriate protective gear such as gloves, masks and eye protection. By following these steps correctly you can achieve a smooth finish on your ceilings surface.

To ensure a clean and safe environment after scraping or sanding your ceiling take the time to thoroughly vacuum up all remaining debris using a HEPA filter. Be sure to follow local regulations when disposing of waste materials. This extra step will help protect both you and those around you from potential hazards caused by lingering dust particles in the air. Remember - its always better to be cautious than sorry!

Popcorn Ceiling Alternatives

With the knowledge of how to safely remove a popcorn ceiling at hand lets explore some alternative options for replacing it:

Smooth Ceiling Finish: A cost effective and DIY friendly solution for improving the appearance of your ceilings is to apply a layer of joint compound followed by painting. This method results in an even texture that can enhance any room's decor scheme.

A textured ceiling can add depth and character to any room. There are several ways you can achieve this look - from knockdown to orange peel effects. A skilled contractor will have the tools necessary for creating these unique designs using trowels or brushes. With their expertise they'll be able to craft a one of kind result that complements your homes overall style.

Are you looking for a one of kind ceiling design? Consider installing tin ceilings. These interlocking sheets come in various styles and colors, adding an unparalleled touch to any room.

For those seeking a rustic farmhouse vibe in their home decor adding wooden planking to the ceiling is an excellent choice. This technique involves attaching individual pieces of wood onto the surface for a charming and cozy effect. You can customize this look by painting or staining each piece according to your desired color scheme. With just some creativity and elbow grease anyone can achieve this stylish yet simple design element that adds character without breaking the bank!

Replacing your popcorn ceiling requires careful consideration and planning. Whether you choose to remove the old ceiling or install a new one, it is essential that you follow safe practices while consulting with professionals where necessary. With numerous options available today theres no reason why you cant find an ideal solution for your home!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tried-and-True Methods for Removing Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn Ceilings - What They Are and Why They Were Popular

Popcorn ceilings were a popular choice among homeowners during the 1950s through the '80s due to their ability to dampen sound and provide an attractive finish on ceilings. However over time many have grown tired of this style seeking ways to remove them instead. In this article we explore several effective methods for removing popcorn ceilings along with alternative options for textured ceiling designs that are sure to impress! With our expertise in hand you'll be able to transform your space into something truly remarkable.

Popcorn Ceilings - The Hidden Danger of Asbestos

Before delving into the process of safely removing popcorn ceilings from older homes it is crucial to note that many such residences may contain asbestos in their textured surfaces. As a carcinogenic substance capable of causing serious health issues upon exposure through inhalation or ingestion; hiring an experienced abatement company for removal services becomes imperative if you suspect your home has been affected by this hazardous material. The safety measures taken during this procedure are critical and should not be overlooked under any circumstances!

Removing Popcorn Ceilings Safely

If your popcorn ceiling is not contaminated with asbestos you can safely remove it using several methods.

If you're looking for a hands on approach to removing texture from your ceiling consider using manual methods such as scraping or knifing. While this can be time consuming it may prove effective in small areas where precision is key. Take the initiative and tackle this project yourself!

For those looking for an effective way to remove ceiling texture without causing damage or mess there are chemical solutions available. These products break down the glue holding the material onto your ceilings making it simple and easy to scrape off once dissolved. With this method you can quickly transform any room in no time at all!

For larger areas where texture removal is necessary renting a wet dry vacuum can be an effective solution. This method works by using suction to remove the loosened material after it has been separated with tools like putty knives or other implements. While this approach may generate some messiness overall its efficiency makes it worth considering for those dealing with large spaces that require attention.


Textured Ceiling Alternatives

After removing your popcorn ceiling, you may be exploring alternative options. Here are some ideas:

Give your ceiling a fresh new look by painting it. This will not only cover any imperfections but also add depth and character to the room. Be sure to use high quality paint specifically formulated for ceilings so that you achieve optimal results. With this simple DIY project, transforming your space has never been easier!


Elevate your rooms with crown molding - this decorative element can add a touch of sophistication and draw attention away from an unremarkable ceiling. It's worth considering if you want to create a more refined atmosphere in any space.

To create a dramatic effect and brighten up your space consider installing recessed lighting. This simple addition can make all the difference in creating an open feel that will leave guests impressed. Don't underestimate its impact!

4. Add Depth and Interest with a Faux Finish - A little creativity coupled with specialized tools can result in an exceptional faux finish that adds depth and interest to your ceiling. This technique is sure to make any room stand out from the rest!

In summary, when it comes to updating your homes ceilings there are several options available. By utilizing these tips and tricks you can achieve a stunning result that complements the overall design of your home. Don't be afraid to explore different ideas - whether removing popcorn texture or finding alternative solutions - as both approaches have their own unique benefits. Ultimately what matters most is choosing an approach that works best for you and achieving a beautiful outcome!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Multitasking Myth

Ever been guilty of answering text messages during a meeting? Or checking email while you’re on a video call?

MOST OF US do it.

And if you said yes, who could blame you? Growing and scaling your business comes with a seemingly never ending to-do list.

In our minds, it’s simply smart thinking to make the best use of our time, right?

When your company is growing fast, we’re forced to find ways to “fit it ALL in”.

But here’s something that may shock you…

On average, people who try to multitask take 50% longer to complete a single task and make 50% more errors in their work than people who stay focused.

Suddenly multitasking doesn’t sound like such a great way to get more done, does it?

But, we were brought up believing that in order to be productive we must learn to multitask to reach our goals and get things done…At least I was.

Here’s the problem with that…

When you are moving the needle on multiple projects at one time instead of focusing on making significant headway on one or two, you’re less likely to reach the goals you’ve set in the time frame you’ve set for yourself.

All those little strides you make for each project become shorter and shorter until you are now moving at a snail's pace to reach the END result of each.

Plus, when you only focus on one or two projects at a time, it's amazing how clear priorities become. Your mind is forced to choose which projects are most important and you can stop allowing the small stuff and “noise” derail you.

I know you’re thinking…. “But…I’m really busy!”

Trust me, I get it.  Being as busy as we are, there will always be temptations pulling at our focus…

Emails, text messages, other opportunities, “do you have a minute” meeting requests, etc.

These are called distractions, and we will always have them.

The key is to limit distractions as much as possible.

Think about it this way. There are distractions within our control and there are distractions out of our control.

Here’s a few things I do that help me eliminate the distractions I CAN control:

  1. Put yourself in an environment that is distraction free. If I need to focus, I’ll turn my phone off or leave it in another room so I won’t be tempted to answer calls or texts that come in. If you have an iPhone, put it in Privacy Mode as I learned how to do last week. I’ve also been known to close my office door so I’m not distracted by sounds or commotion going on in other rooms in the house.

You know what distracts you. So make a conscious effort to remove them altogether, or remove yourself from their presence.

2. Set 3 main objectives for the day. By limiting the number of daily “goals” to 3, you’ll know exactly what your focus is and you’ll work with greater intention towards achieving those objectives.

TIP: I like to set my goals for the day the evening before, that way I know before I go to bed exactly what I’ll be focusing on the next day (this also allows my subconscious mind to work on those goals while I’m sleeping).  When you wake up, work on the most difficult project first, even before calls or checking your email.

3. Give yourself a shorter time frame to accomplish things. Parkinson’s law states that “work tends to expand to fill the time we have available for its completion.”

What happens is, the more time we give ourselves to complete something, the more likely we are to fill any time remaining with distractions.  Our mind is programmed to conserve energy when possible.

And speaking of mastering your time, one great tip a colleague shared with me a long time ago was a process called the Pomodoro Method.

It’s an exercise that helps train our brains to stay focused by gradually working up our concentration. The goal of this method is to strengthen one’s ability to focus for longer periods of time.

How it works…

Basically you set a timer (start with 30 minutes and gradually work up to 45 minutes). Within that 30 minute time frame, completely focus on the task or project at hand with no interruptions or distractions.

After the 30 minutes is up, allow yourself a 8-10 minute break (In a 45 minute stretch, you allow yourself a 15 minute break afterwards). Challenge yourself to work diligently on your task or project until the timer goes off, then give your mind the break to indulge on whatever distraction you’d like! Continue practicing this until it becomes a habit. Then, gradually increase your focus time from 30 min to 45 minutes.

Avoiding distractions will definitely help you increase your accuracy and ability to complete tasks and projects faster…

When you integrate some of the tips I just mentioned, you’ll be closer to focusing on what you really need to be focusing on to move the needle in your business at an accelerated pace.

Here’s what I know…People aren’t really pulled in a hundred different directions. They allow themselves to be pulled in a hundred different directions.

They know exactly what they need to do.

They just need to TAKE ACTION and change it.

To your success,


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