Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to brew coffee using Coffee Sock (a method popular in Singapore and Malaysia).

What you need for 1 to 2 cups of kopi(coffee in local slang):

  1. 2 cups/brewing vessels
  2. 1 coffee sock (The one we have is good for 1 – 5 serves)
  3. Freshly ground kopi powder (2 – 3 tbsp, approximately 15 – 20g) 
  4. Hot water (1 cup, approximately 250ml) 


  1. We recommend using a medium grind for your kopi powder. Using too fine a grind may result in some coffee grounds passing through the filter, leaving a gritty feeling when you drink the coffee, or choke the filter and give you a really bitter tasting cup of kopi.
  2. Pre-heat the vessel and sock filter by rinsing them with hot water before brewing.
  3. Put an appropriate amount of coffee grounds (we recommend about 2 – 3tbsp, approximately 15 – 20g) into one of your brewing vessels. For this post, we used 3 tbsp which came up to approximately 20g. Feel free to adjust based on your taste preference!
  4. Pour the 250ml of hot water into the vessel with the coffee grounds. Watch the magic happen as the coffee grounds slowly expand and form a crust on the surface of the water after a few seconds.
  5. Stir the coffee slurry for about 10 – 15 seconds to ensure that all the grounds are evenly saturated and let it steep for about 3 mins. You may wish to let it steep for longer if but remember that the longer you let it steep, the more bitter the cup gets. You may also wish to put a lid on top of the vessel so as to not lose that much heat during this step.

(Pro-tip: Breaking the crust would release an intense aroma so take it all in when you start to stir the slurry! 

6. Once done, stir the coffee slurry one last time and then pour it through the sock to strain the coffee grounds into your second vessel.  

7. You now have a super gau cup of Kopi – O Kosong! 

This will be the base for all your Kopi drinks. You can now start adding your sugar, milk, and water to your desired taste! 

  • Kopi: Add condensed milk, sugar, and water
  • Kopi – C: Add evaporated milk, sugar, and water
  • Kopi – O: Add sugar and water

how to coffee sock

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