Friday, May 31, 2019

What is Keto Diet and Why You Should Care + Practice

Keto Diet is the most searched keyword for towards people who want to improve their health and lose weight. In the previous article,i have posted about Paleo Diet and today i'm going to introduce you the Keto Diet.

If you visit health/fitness exhibition,you almost see Ketogenic Diet everywhere. In fact,this is the most popular diet since it first appeared in 1920. Now,let's discover what is Keto Diet and why it's so so hot.

So,What is Keto Diet?


Basically,it's a diet that absorb very very small cacbonhydrate and instead,it focuses on Fats and Proteins. It has some similarity to Low-Carbs Diet. Limiting Cacbonhydrate will make your body at a ketosis situation. When you set it up,your body will burn Fats  instead of Glucose.

2.How Ketogenic Diet Work?


It's easy to understand here,you must reduce Cacbonhydrate as much as you can. I think it should take place maximum 30-50 gram every day. This will force your body to burn glucose storage from you. After that,if you wan additional energy,you will need to absorb Fat and protein.











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