Saturday, June 22, 2024

From Mall T-Shirt to 1000 Signups: A Marketing Success Story

Martha Waverly was desperate, rent had just increased to over $1900.00 per month in her 2 BR 2 bath apartment in Sacramento.

Martha was a single divorced Mom with 2 children.  The children were out of school for the summer and needed daycare. 

Her old Cheva Impala was on its last leg.  In fact, Martha needed  money for gas to get through to the next paycheck.. 

Martha was trolling at the mall, not that she had any money to buy anything but she loved to stroll through the exlusive stores

and inhale the rich smell of leather in the Louis Vuitton store.  The steaks sizzling on the grill at the outside restaurants was a tantalizingly espensive smell.

Life was hard and getting harder.  Prices on everything was going up.  Her paycheck had held steady for the entire year and it did not look like a new

job was in the future.  She looked away from the luxury shoe brand that she was secretly wanting and saw a short stocky lady wearing a silly looking

T-shirt that had the words, "Scan for cash boldy starring back at her. 


Martha was skeptical but also deperate.  Martha discretly positioned her telephone toward the QR code on the lady's shirt and was swiftly 

taken to the video that came on her mobile screen.

The video talked about a free $34.00 in cash that she could make without spending any money. 

Martha quickly went to the website,  signed up for two free appps, laded them on her phone and away she went.

One of the apps was for free gas.  The other free app promised her $30.00 cashback when she spent $30.00. 

Daughter Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Her youngest daughter needed some new shoes for

summer, so she decided she would put those on her almost to the limit Capitol one credit card and promised she would pay it back when she received her $30.00.

Then she noticed she could get an additional $30.00 for everyone she referred to the program.  She started calculating that money in her mind. 

She detrmined if she could sign up 25 of her friends.  She would almost have enough money to pay her rent... at least half of it.  She started texting her

friends from her phone telling them to sign up. 

She called her family first to let them know that if they signed up for the program, she would not have to borrow money next month to meet her bills.

Then her  creativity and thinking outside the box took over.  She started to study the information she was receiving from the video. Oh damn, she thought. 

That $30.00 payment won't be coming for 2-3 months. 

Membership Has its Priviledges

However, if she bought the premium mebership and encouraged the family to sign up too she could get $25.00 x 25 

into her hands within the next week,

well ahead of the time to pay the rent.  She made a strategic decision. 

Instead of buying the kids ' shoes, she would get the premium membership in Nexus Rewards for $49.95 (one time $40.00 set up fee and 9.95 per month). 

Martha called all her friends and her family back and explained how they ccould save money every month with this Nexus Snap thing. 

They can also support her dream of being able to pay her bills without the constant loans, check-into-cash revolving door and make

her financial dreams come true. Martha signed up 30 of her friends and family that day.

30 x $25.00 = $750.00

Martha earned over $700 within the next 10 days with Nexus Rewards.  She was also set up to received residual income. 

When she received her first commission, she purchased the kids new tennis shoes for cash.  She paid down her Capitol One Account.

She filled up her car using the Upside App and then the magic happened for her. 

That T shirt with the QR code was created for all her mall buddies.  They spen an entire weekend trolling the malls with their brightly colored Nexus

T shirt on.  The amazing thing about the people who scanned the QR code was many individuals were homeless, standing outside the malls asking for

handouts.  Martha obliged their requests with a few dollars but she also told them to scan the QR code and to take action.  She promised them, they would

not have to be in that position for long if they follwed the "golden scan".

These actions led to incredible results.

This story is of how one savvy entrepreneur managed to secure 1000 signups in just one day, all while wearing a simple t-shirt at the mall.

Even more important is that these 1000 singed up either for the premium membership but all of them received their Rakuten Upside $34.00 bonus.

So did Marthat.  Martha made a cool $34,000 in bonus referral for that one day at the mall.  Add that to the $900.00 she collected from close

friends and family. She received over  $5,000 in signup bonuses.  Sher and her 5 friends slip the signups between them so they each had 200 sign ups each.

However, when they enter the Nexus Matrix.  The kinds of money they can make is crazy good. 

 Let's Do the Math

The Next Month this enterprising young women set up a sign-up station at the local wall mart store. 

Our entrepreneur chose a high-traffic area near popular stores and restaurants to maximize visibility.

A simple table with a stack of sign-up sheets, pens, and some promotional materials was all that was needed to get started.

Engaging with potential customers was key to drawing them in and getting them interested in signing up. Our entrepreneur

played soothing Rhythm and Bludes classics from the 80's took the time to chat with passersby, explaining the benefits of

signing up and answering any questions they had. By being friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable about their product,

they were able to build trust and rapport with potential customers.

Choosing Nexus Rewards means getting incredible gasoline savings and prescription discounts. You'll join a community that cares about your financial health. We aim to lessen your financial stress with exclusive money-saving benefits.

Here's a breakdown of the savings:

Savings Description

Gasoline Savings Up to 25¢ per gallon on every gas purchase

Prescription Savings Up to 90% off on necessary medications

Nexus Rewards helps stretch your budget, making daily expenses lighter. Grab our gasoline savings and prescription savings now! Join today and begin saving!

The Nexus Snap Compensation Plan

Nexus Snap is an exciting way to make extra money, offered by Nexus Rewards. It's known as the best $10 program worldwide. It lets you boost your earnings like never before.

Encouraging sign-ups with incentives was another important aspect of this campaign. To sweeten the deal, our entrepreneur offered

a special restaurant savings card  to anyone who signed up on the spot. This sense of urgency helped drive conversions and encouraged

people to take action then and there.

In conclusion, Martha is well on her way to buying the nex Leanr home in NorthLake.  She bought a late model, not new Honda Accord.  the kids got their Sports Event Day Care

Camp that mom could not afford previously.  at least 10 individuals who were unhoused that signed up are off the street and earning monthly income to meet their rent.

Martha's marketing success story teaches us valuable lessons about creativity, engagement, incentives, and why evveryone who is aware should join Nexus Rewards Snap.

tshirt marketing for Nexus

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